I can stop when I want
We're all addicted to something. Whether it is something as simple as biting our nails or as serious as drugs. The first step in any addiction, as they say, is admitting you have a problem. The next step is really about your desire to change. If you have no true desire to change, you never will.
Take me for example. I play video games. It's my "hobby" so to speak. I don't go to bars, or play poker, or anything of that nature. My idea of a good time is putting on my headset, sitting down at my desk with plenty of snacks and drinks for some uninterrupted play time. It's my release from my worries. When I have one of those days where I say, I am going to kill somebody, I can actually go home and do that. Fortunately they can resurrect their character and move on. I've found it to be a great help, when done within reason. I in the past had a very difficult time coming back out of that alternate reality back to my own. I struggled with it for some time. Once I learned how to schedule my time better I found that I actually enjoyed cutting down my play time. I developed other interests, equally as nerdy but other interests. Recently I've went back to my WoW account and began playing again. It's not the draw that it once was. Maybe it's because I lost touch with many of the people I "hung out" with all the time (shout out to StoneMullet, I miss that sexy Australian voice!). Now it's just something to do if I really want to pass time. Now that I'm a little older I find my time to be more valuable and not wanting to "pass" time but to actually use it to it's fullest. I'm not there yet. I'm still working on it.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Guess who's back, back again, X is back tell your friends
The End of Summer
The kids are in school once again, and so are our usual stresses in making sure they are doing well.
Speaking of stresses... My wife, contrary to popular belief, is my single best stress relief. (Not like that sickos!) What I mean is that she makes my life so very, easy. We have our off days like any other couple but far more than those few our days are great.
Take it easy man!
For all the girls I've dated in my life, and there was plenty, I've always felt like I knew it wouldn't last. I dated a girl for over 5 years and yet it took me about a year to realize that she was not the one but just the one right now. It took me longer than it should have to get rid of that "safety blanket". My Lorelei was the first girl that I knew right from the beginning would be able to tame my raging, ahem, spirit. She didn't just use her beautiful looks, or great intelligence (though slow on the uptake I must admit ^_^ ). She one me over by allowing me to be me. It's rare that I get "nagged" by my wife. I'm a lucky man to just be able to say that. I get away with a lot, because she allows me to. It's this very reason that our relationship has flourished so. I get asked to do something, not told. She asks because she knows if she tells me my strong will takes over and refuses to do it. She may have to ask multiple times, but I get it done. It's so amazing to be able to accomplish my chores and such at my leisure rather than "NOW", like I know some women can be. My wife is amazing for letting me be me.
Learning & Stress
Very soon Lorelei will be starting school again. She'll be once again furthering herself, her career, and her family. Now I need to step up and do the things that I normally am asked to do, without being asked. I'm a fairly intelligent person, but I'm also a very forgetful person. This doing without asking is going to take some thought into how I'm going to accomplish. I think I'm going to use a Calendar based system. Where I need to do specific things at specific times. I believe that would work best. Yes, I'm making a chore board for myself...now all I need is to figure out how to earn the gold stars...
The Boys
James...He is my spawn. I say this lovingly! He is me in so many ways. If he is not constantly challenged he retreats into his own world. The challenges he & I will face together cannot be foreseen, but I do look forward to them. I just have to help him to break his fear of anything new & different. When he becomes comfortable with something, it's very difficult for him to change it. We're working on it, he still gives the best hugs! He asked me if he could bring his tooth to school for show & tell. I thought that was such a great idea! I want to get him a hermit crab soon. Not sure why he want's one so bad but, it's so hard to say no sometimes.
Logan...What can I say, he's two. He still can't sleep with out his ba-ba (pacifier). He has won the battles when we've tried to take it away. His attention to everything everyone says and does is absolutely amazing. He is a mimic like no other. He does have his tantrums now and then (more now then, then). We're working through it. He looks up to his brother and though James may not believe it, Logan respects him in a lot of ways that are very visible.
Such great guys...now I just need my girl. Hey, I can dream.
The kids are in school once again, and so are our usual stresses in making sure they are doing well.
Speaking of stresses... My wife, contrary to popular belief, is my single best stress relief. (Not like that sickos!) What I mean is that she makes my life so very, easy. We have our off days like any other couple but far more than those few our days are great.
Take it easy man!
For all the girls I've dated in my life, and there was plenty, I've always felt like I knew it wouldn't last. I dated a girl for over 5 years and yet it took me about a year to realize that she was not the one but just the one right now. It took me longer than it should have to get rid of that "safety blanket". My Lorelei was the first girl that I knew right from the beginning would be able to tame my raging, ahem, spirit. She didn't just use her beautiful looks, or great intelligence (though slow on the uptake I must admit ^_^ ). She one me over by allowing me to be me. It's rare that I get "nagged" by my wife. I'm a lucky man to just be able to say that. I get away with a lot, because she allows me to. It's this very reason that our relationship has flourished so. I get asked to do something, not told. She asks because she knows if she tells me my strong will takes over and refuses to do it. She may have to ask multiple times, but I get it done. It's so amazing to be able to accomplish my chores and such at my leisure rather than "NOW", like I know some women can be. My wife is amazing for letting me be me.
Learning & Stress
Very soon Lorelei will be starting school again. She'll be once again furthering herself, her career, and her family. Now I need to step up and do the things that I normally am asked to do, without being asked. I'm a fairly intelligent person, but I'm also a very forgetful person. This doing without asking is going to take some thought into how I'm going to accomplish. I think I'm going to use a Calendar based system. Where I need to do specific things at specific times. I believe that would work best. Yes, I'm making a chore board for myself...now all I need is to figure out how to earn the gold stars...
The Boys
James...He is my spawn. I say this lovingly! He is me in so many ways. If he is not constantly challenged he retreats into his own world. The challenges he & I will face together cannot be foreseen, but I do look forward to them. I just have to help him to break his fear of anything new & different. When he becomes comfortable with something, it's very difficult for him to change it. We're working on it, he still gives the best hugs! He asked me if he could bring his tooth to school for show & tell. I thought that was such a great idea! I want to get him a hermit crab soon. Not sure why he want's one so bad but, it's so hard to say no sometimes.
Logan...What can I say, he's two. He still can't sleep with out his ba-ba (pacifier). He has won the battles when we've tried to take it away. His attention to everything everyone says and does is absolutely amazing. He is a mimic like no other. He does have his tantrums now and then (more now then, then). We're working through it. He looks up to his brother and though James may not believe it, Logan respects him in a lot of ways that are very visible.
Such great guys...now I just need my girl. Hey, I can dream.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Case of the Mondays
[Originally written a while ago, but still applicable today]
As of late I find myself complaining more than usual. Though I've nowhere near hit bottom, I'm not nearly where I once was either. In life I took 20 steps forwards and jump back 10. I'd say I'm living an average life (monetarily speaking here, I have an above average life family wise).
Do I smell bacon!?
For years I brought home the bacon. I was able to take what we had and increase it 3 fold. I was at a point where I was trying to talk my wife into just staying at home with the kids. We had it made. Then the hammer hit. The boss decided my position was no longer needed and poof went my glory days (remember I'm talking money here nothing else). We had a nice amount of savings built up and I used it to raise Logan and stay at home with him. That of course can only last so long. Interview after Interview were all a waste of time. No jobs were hiring for the positions I was looking for. In fact many were doing the same thing my old boss did and cutting back in preparation for what they knew was coming.
So here I sit in a dead end job doing ten times more than I should for what I'm getting paid for. Stuck. Unable to move forward again and reclaim those lost steps. I need to work to an end. I need an end game...One day soon it will come. I just hope it's the end I've always wanted.
As of late I find myself complaining more than usual. Though I've nowhere near hit bottom, I'm not nearly where I once was either. In life I took 20 steps forwards and jump back 10. I'd say I'm living an average life (monetarily speaking here, I have an above average life family wise).
Do I smell bacon!?
For years I brought home the bacon. I was able to take what we had and increase it 3 fold. I was at a point where I was trying to talk my wife into just staying at home with the kids. We had it made. Then the hammer hit. The boss decided my position was no longer needed and poof went my glory days (remember I'm talking money here nothing else). We had a nice amount of savings built up and I used it to raise Logan and stay at home with him. That of course can only last so long. Interview after Interview were all a waste of time. No jobs were hiring for the positions I was looking for. In fact many were doing the same thing my old boss did and cutting back in preparation for what they knew was coming.
So here I sit in a dead end job doing ten times more than I should for what I'm getting paid for. Stuck. Unable to move forward again and reclaim those lost steps. I need to work to an end. I need an end game...One day soon it will come. I just hope it's the end I've always wanted.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Solar savings
Fun in the sun
Solar Panels are becoming more efficient and less expensive every day. Living in Southern California (A desert) we have ample sun supply. There are coal, gas, hydro, nuclear, wind, and solar power plants all located within Southern California. Why then are we not cashing in on the solar side of it more in So Cal?
So I was going to write this long spiel about how I think that instead of building new power plants that have harmful emissions like this one going up in Vernon, CA. http://www.vernonworks.org/proposed-new-power-plant.html that instead SCE should buy solar panels and rent/lease them out to homeowners. Then I read this story http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-9904584-54.html . They are doing basically that, but for commercial companies only at this point.
Right track
I have to say that the government, in this case, is on the right track. If they expand this program they will easily recoup any upfront expenses within 5-10 years. With a lifespan average of 20+years on the panels it's nothing but profit after that time. I'd just like to see them bring this same program down to the residential level. I can understand why they don't. People move. Plain and simple. The contracts would be between the person and SCE. If a person moved out and the new owners moved in and decided they didn't want the panels SCE would be stuck with not generating panels. It definitely would take some logistical work and many lawyers to get it right, but it can be done. Will it though? We'll just have to see now won't we...
Solar Panels are becoming more efficient and less expensive every day. Living in Southern California (A desert) we have ample sun supply. There are coal, gas, hydro, nuclear, wind, and solar power plants all located within Southern California. Why then are we not cashing in on the solar side of it more in So Cal?
So I was going to write this long spiel about how I think that instead of building new power plants that have harmful emissions like this one going up in Vernon, CA. http://www.vernonworks.org/proposed-new-power-plant.html that instead SCE should buy solar panels and rent/lease them out to homeowners. Then I read this story http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-9904584-54.html . They are doing basically that, but for commercial companies only at this point.
Right track
I have to say that the government, in this case, is on the right track. If they expand this program they will easily recoup any upfront expenses within 5-10 years. With a lifespan average of 20+years on the panels it's nothing but profit after that time. I'd just like to see them bring this same program down to the residential level. I can understand why they don't. People move. Plain and simple. The contracts would be between the person and SCE. If a person moved out and the new owners moved in and decided they didn't want the panels SCE would be stuck with not generating panels. It definitely would take some logistical work and many lawyers to get it right, but it can be done. Will it though? We'll just have to see now won't we...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Soft spot for dogs
Took the boys to the park yesterday to give my lovely bride a much deserved rest. Being boys they always seem to hurt themselves one way or another. James fell trying the monkey bars for the first time and more or less just cried because he was scared when he fell. Logan, when he fell said, "Daddy, owie!" He made me kiss it then walked away as if all was right in the world. It's amazing how two sons can turn out so very differently. One, a daredevil. The other, well a scaredy cat. It's so great seeing those two evolve. They are two very distinct individuals.
Aye Chihuahua
So the kids are having a good ole' time playing on the playground when this long legged chihuahua comes walking up. She was very skinny and obviously very thirsty. Right next to the playground there is a drinking fountain. She kept jumping up at the drinking fountain trying to get a drink. So we gave her some water in a little cup and let her drink. She finished it all and so we gave her more. Poor little thing must've been running around for a while to have been that thirsty. I looked around for any signs of a possible owner. Then James called out, "Hey everyone! Did anyone lost a dog!" The other people around just shook their head and no one said anything. There wasn't many people around. The little dog had such a nice demeanor I didn't want anything to happen to her. We stayed at the park for a while longer and the dog sat up on the park bench with me while the kids played. She just sat there not bothering anyone. So when it came time to leave I decided that rather than let this dog run around and possibly get run over I'd take her to the pound.
The pound
We arrived at the pound to the sounds you would expect to hear. We walk in and I say, "I found this poor girl at the park. I hope you can help her get back home." The lady asked me where I found her and looked it up on a map. Then said that it was out of their area and I'd have to take it to the city shelter. I said,"But it's Sunday and they are closed today aren't they?" She said, "Yes." and then just looked at me.
Now let me try and lay out the picture here. I'm standing there holding a dog that's not mine at a pound and they are telling me that I can't leave it there. They said either take it home or put it back where you found it. Those were the options she gave me. What's sad is I know this lady is a good lady. I've dealt with her before when I picked up my previous dogs from this pound. The problem they have been having lately is that they have a much larger population in their pound then usual. The economic climate is forcing some people to just let their dogs go because they just can't afford them. I'd much rather a dog be euthanized humanely than have to live with diseases or lack of food or water. It becomes a quality of life issue.
Long story short (too late)
Zoey (the name Lorie finally let me call her, I believe this was her 6th name [my favorite was Olive Oil]) is sitting comfortably and well fed in our home. I'm not a huge fan of small dogs but her personality is nice. She's a good dog and I want to make sure she's taken care of. Even if it means we have to do it. Lorie's printing found posters which we'll post at the park and fax to the shelters, but if no one claims her we may just have a new member to the Conover family. Not the girl I was hoping for that's for sure!
Took the boys to the park yesterday to give my lovely bride a much deserved rest. Being boys they always seem to hurt themselves one way or another. James fell trying the monkey bars for the first time and more or less just cried because he was scared when he fell. Logan, when he fell said, "Daddy, owie!" He made me kiss it then walked away as if all was right in the world. It's amazing how two sons can turn out so very differently. One, a daredevil. The other, well a scaredy cat. It's so great seeing those two evolve. They are two very distinct individuals.
Aye Chihuahua
So the kids are having a good ole' time playing on the playground when this long legged chihuahua comes walking up. She was very skinny and obviously very thirsty. Right next to the playground there is a drinking fountain. She kept jumping up at the drinking fountain trying to get a drink. So we gave her some water in a little cup and let her drink. She finished it all and so we gave her more. Poor little thing must've been running around for a while to have been that thirsty. I looked around for any signs of a possible owner. Then James called out, "Hey everyone! Did anyone lost a dog!" The other people around just shook their head and no one said anything. There wasn't many people around. The little dog had such a nice demeanor I didn't want anything to happen to her. We stayed at the park for a while longer and the dog sat up on the park bench with me while the kids played. She just sat there not bothering anyone. So when it came time to leave I decided that rather than let this dog run around and possibly get run over I'd take her to the pound.
The pound
We arrived at the pound to the sounds you would expect to hear. We walk in and I say, "I found this poor girl at the park. I hope you can help her get back home." The lady asked me where I found her and looked it up on a map. Then said that it was out of their area and I'd have to take it to the city shelter. I said,"But it's Sunday and they are closed today aren't they?" She said, "Yes." and then just looked at me.
Now let me try and lay out the picture here. I'm standing there holding a dog that's not mine at a pound and they are telling me that I can't leave it there. They said either take it home or put it back where you found it. Those were the options she gave me. What's sad is I know this lady is a good lady. I've dealt with her before when I picked up my previous dogs from this pound. The problem they have been having lately is that they have a much larger population in their pound then usual. The economic climate is forcing some people to just let their dogs go because they just can't afford them. I'd much rather a dog be euthanized humanely than have to live with diseases or lack of food or water. It becomes a quality of life issue.
Long story short (too late)
Zoey (the name Lorie finally let me call her, I believe this was her 6th name [my favorite was Olive Oil]) is sitting comfortably and well fed in our home. I'm not a huge fan of small dogs but her personality is nice. She's a good dog and I want to make sure she's taken care of. Even if it means we have to do it. Lorie's printing found posters which we'll post at the park and fax to the shelters, but if no one claims her we may just have a new member to the Conover family. Not the girl I was hoping for that's for sure!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Who makes law
I read an article on a ruling with far reaching implications. As part of the ruling the judge declared that as per the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) violating a EULA (End User License Agreement) also means violating the DMCA.
The DMCA was established to make copying movies and songs illegal and enable law enforcement to have a leg to stand on in the courts against them. This in theory was a good idea, but in practice has been used in ways that was never intended by it's authors. All this is due to how it was written.
When laws are written if there is any Grey areas within the wording it falls to the courts to determine what the writers intended. The problem is that intentions of the writers rarely come into play in these decisions. No instead politics and positioning play the key roles in deciding the judgments.
Behind the times
Twenty years ago computers were the size of rooms. They have progressed far faster than the laws that govern their use. With laws not keeping up with progression lawyers have used existing laws to bend the words to fit their needs. The judges must then decide if the law is in fact applicable.
Most judges are not young. Many who use computers only use them for the most basic of things. Word processing, spreadsheets, and the internet. Most do not understand how the data gets from one place to another. Most people do not understand the complexities of two computers sharing data. Yet we ask these same people who do not understand how these things work to determine the laws that govern them. This blows my mind. How can someone pass judgment on something when they do not understand the full story. That is something judges face on a day to day basis with more than just the electronics environment. They decide cases based on the facts given to them. They decide on the he said she said argument. I do not envy judges. They have a very difficult job that has far reaching implications at times.
I wrote this post in response to a recent decision of a judge that a EULA violation is not just a breach of contract making the license no longer valid (which would make sense, but he takes it further into the criminal), but a violation of the DCMA. Violations of the DCMA can result in fines of $150,000 per offense, and or jail time. This means if a company put in their EULA you may not write on pictures after you print them, and you do, then they can sue you and find you in breach of both the EULA and DCMA. This is absurd and down right wrong. My only hope is that the appeals court sees the light in this matter.
Quote from the article
I read an article on a ruling with far reaching implications. As part of the ruling the judge declared that as per the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) violating a EULA (End User License Agreement) also means violating the DMCA.
The DMCA was established to make copying movies and songs illegal and enable law enforcement to have a leg to stand on in the courts against them. This in theory was a good idea, but in practice has been used in ways that was never intended by it's authors. All this is due to how it was written.
When laws are written if there is any Grey areas within the wording it falls to the courts to determine what the writers intended. The problem is that intentions of the writers rarely come into play in these decisions. No instead politics and positioning play the key roles in deciding the judgments.
Behind the times
Twenty years ago computers were the size of rooms. They have progressed far faster than the laws that govern their use. With laws not keeping up with progression lawyers have used existing laws to bend the words to fit their needs. The judges must then decide if the law is in fact applicable.
Most judges are not young. Many who use computers only use them for the most basic of things. Word processing, spreadsheets, and the internet. Most do not understand how the data gets from one place to another. Most people do not understand the complexities of two computers sharing data. Yet we ask these same people who do not understand how these things work to determine the laws that govern them. This blows my mind. How can someone pass judgment on something when they do not understand the full story. That is something judges face on a day to day basis with more than just the electronics environment. They decide cases based on the facts given to them. They decide on the he said she said argument. I do not envy judges. They have a very difficult job that has far reaching implications at times.
I wrote this post in response to a recent decision of a judge that a EULA violation is not just a breach of contract making the license no longer valid (which would make sense, but he takes it further into the criminal), but a violation of the DCMA. Violations of the DCMA can result in fines of $150,000 per offense, and or jail time. This means if a company put in their EULA you may not write on pictures after you print them, and you do, then they can sue you and find you in breach of both the EULA and DCMA. This is absurd and down right wrong. My only hope is that the appeals court sees the light in this matter.
Quote from the article
"Judge Campbell's ruling seems clearly out of step with the stated purpose of the DMCA. When Congress passed the DMCA in 1998, it was concerned with the specter of mass file-sharing on the Internet. Yet in this case, there is no file-sharing in sight. Glider is designed to be used by legitimate Blizzard customers who not only paid for their copies of World of Warcraft, but pay a monthly fee for access to Blizzard's servers as well. Blizzard is using the DMCA not to stop illicit file sharing, but as an all-purpose tool to control their users' behavior."
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
World of Warcraft
I have been playing World of Warcraft for over four years now. The extent I play varies depending on my availability, and desire. Lately I'm finding my desire diminished. I no longer make time for the game but rather play when there's time.
I've never centered my life around gaming, however it has been a large part of my life. Everyone has their hobbies. Some play cards, some go to the Gym, others go to the bar. Me, I go to my computer and log in to another world. A world where I can be whomever I want to be. Where I can be as helpful or as selfish as I want, without fear of reprisal. It is the place I can go to relieve my stress or anxiety by taking it out on others. A majority of the time the others are computer A.I.'s so I'm not adversely effecting someone Else's good time. Some times however, that's just not good enough. There's a certain satisfaction that comes with taking out others who think they are better than you. This PVP (player vs player) part of the game is voluntary so people are opening themselves up to it. So I'm not exactly harassing them or anything so there's no reason to feel bad. There's a certain amount of smugness to be had when your the last one standing. The feeling of running in to your base with ten enemies all trying to run you down and kill you and you capture their flag with that last bit of health, just can't be beat. It's like skydiving. It's a cheap adrenaline rush all from the comfort of your own seat. It's great.
Social aspects, the good, the bad
Wow owes much of it's success to the fact that it is a MMORPG (Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game). The fact that it is impossible to get the best of the best gear with out socializing forces you to interact and cooperate with others. It's a great aspect of the game. However, for those with RL (Real Life) commitments it also makes it a very difficult part of the game. It's not the type of game you can pick up for a few minutes, do a few things and somehow advance your character. No, in order to get better gear you must group with other players to complete Dungeons (5 people) or raids (10-40 people). This means you have to either coordinate your schedule with at least five other people or get a PUG (Pick Up Group). The benefit from having the same people is that you know each others play styles, and methods and can have a much more entertaining time. The negative is that you need to coordinate those schedules. If you cannot set aside a block of time (1hr-4hrs) to do the instances and you have to leave early you hinder those other people. They then have to stop and PUG that vacant spot you left behind. It forces those without set schedules to be limited in what they are able to accomplish. PUG's have the benefit of being able to form quickly. However the negatives are vast. The skill of the players that you pick up may not be there at all. The player may wrongly believe he is entitled to things (loot) that he isn't. Players may leave before it is done. At the first sign of difficulty many PUG's disband. It is "one of those things" in the game. It's just something you have to deal with.
Some hobbies make money
During a video game convention I went to I entered a tournament and actually won. I won an in game loot card. You punch in a code on the card and it gives you loot for within the game. Instead of using that item for myself I decided to try and sell it. Sell it I did (well Lorie did for me, but it was my card and idea). We made over 150 bucks. Which essentially paid for a year of my gaming. It was the first time ever a video game I played paid for itself. Since that time I've been trying to come up with ways of making money on or within the game that would benefit RL. I've had many thoughts on it. From guides, to websites, to social sites, to my latest. There are programs out there that will essentially automate the easy things within the game so that way you don't have to. I've found a way to use them to raise my characters levels to maximum with little to no effort on my part. If I were in turn to sell these characters or the in game gold they make for RL money I could actually turn a profit. Granted it won't be a staggering profit, but a profit nonetheless. A profit for doing something I enjoy so much. Seems like a no-brainer to me, now to implement it...
I have been playing World of Warcraft for over four years now. The extent I play varies depending on my availability, and desire. Lately I'm finding my desire diminished. I no longer make time for the game but rather play when there's time.
I've never centered my life around gaming, however it has been a large part of my life. Everyone has their hobbies. Some play cards, some go to the Gym, others go to the bar. Me, I go to my computer and log in to another world. A world where I can be whomever I want to be. Where I can be as helpful or as selfish as I want, without fear of reprisal. It is the place I can go to relieve my stress or anxiety by taking it out on others. A majority of the time the others are computer A.I.'s so I'm not adversely effecting someone Else's good time. Some times however, that's just not good enough. There's a certain satisfaction that comes with taking out others who think they are better than you. This PVP (player vs player) part of the game is voluntary so people are opening themselves up to it. So I'm not exactly harassing them or anything so there's no reason to feel bad. There's a certain amount of smugness to be had when your the last one standing. The feeling of running in to your base with ten enemies all trying to run you down and kill you and you capture their flag with that last bit of health, just can't be beat. It's like skydiving. It's a cheap adrenaline rush all from the comfort of your own seat. It's great.
Social aspects, the good, the bad
Wow owes much of it's success to the fact that it is a MMORPG (Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game). The fact that it is impossible to get the best of the best gear with out socializing forces you to interact and cooperate with others. It's a great aspect of the game. However, for those with RL (Real Life) commitments it also makes it a very difficult part of the game. It's not the type of game you can pick up for a few minutes, do a few things and somehow advance your character. No, in order to get better gear you must group with other players to complete Dungeons (5 people) or raids (10-40 people). This means you have to either coordinate your schedule with at least five other people or get a PUG (Pick Up Group). The benefit from having the same people is that you know each others play styles, and methods and can have a much more entertaining time. The negative is that you need to coordinate those schedules. If you cannot set aside a block of time (1hr-4hrs) to do the instances and you have to leave early you hinder those other people. They then have to stop and PUG that vacant spot you left behind. It forces those without set schedules to be limited in what they are able to accomplish. PUG's have the benefit of being able to form quickly. However the negatives are vast. The skill of the players that you pick up may not be there at all. The player may wrongly believe he is entitled to things (loot) that he isn't. Players may leave before it is done. At the first sign of difficulty many PUG's disband. It is "one of those things" in the game. It's just something you have to deal with.
Some hobbies make money
During a video game convention I went to I entered a tournament and actually won. I won an in game loot card. You punch in a code on the card and it gives you loot for within the game. Instead of using that item for myself I decided to try and sell it. Sell it I did (well Lorie did for me, but it was my card and idea). We made over 150 bucks. Which essentially paid for a year of my gaming. It was the first time ever a video game I played paid for itself. Since that time I've been trying to come up with ways of making money on or within the game that would benefit RL. I've had many thoughts on it. From guides, to websites, to social sites, to my latest. There are programs out there that will essentially automate the easy things within the game so that way you don't have to. I've found a way to use them to raise my characters levels to maximum with little to no effort on my part. If I were in turn to sell these characters or the in game gold they make for RL money I could actually turn a profit. Granted it won't be a staggering profit, but a profit nonetheless. A profit for doing something I enjoy so much. Seems like a no-brainer to me, now to implement it...
Monday, February 9, 2009
Got O2?
Apparently while I sleep I don't. I find myself sleepy even after sleeping 8+ hours. Not physically sleepy, just mentally. My eyes feel like they have weights on them. With the diminished capacity I'm finding it more difficult to have the energy to do things.
It's a scary thought.
Knowing that my body and mind are not cooperating with each other. I'm going to be going in for the test in the hospital to find out the extent of it. Also to find out what the solutions are to this problem. I don't want to have to wear an oxygen mask to sleep every night. I also don't want to have another surgery. The thought of them having to break my nose to fix it is a difficult one to process. I do know that throughout it all Lorie will be there for me. Supporting me.
Apparently while I sleep I don't. I find myself sleepy even after sleeping 8+ hours. Not physically sleepy, just mentally. My eyes feel like they have weights on them. With the diminished capacity I'm finding it more difficult to have the energy to do things.
It's a scary thought.
Knowing that my body and mind are not cooperating with each other. I'm going to be going in for the test in the hospital to find out the extent of it. Also to find out what the solutions are to this problem. I don't want to have to wear an oxygen mask to sleep every night. I also don't want to have another surgery. The thought of them having to break my nose to fix it is a difficult one to process. I do know that throughout it all Lorie will be there for me. Supporting me.
Book thoughts
While driving to go see the Thomas the tank engine show in Costa Mesa I had some thoughts as to writing a book. Those thoughts in turn led to what it would take to write said book. One of the things I knew it would take are more concrete ideas.
Some thoughts on possible subjects:
Marine Corps or futuristic? (I'm thinking now because it's easier to write what you know)
RPG type story or biography type story of a gamer? (RPG type sounds more fun)
Just a story about life....(Kinda like this blog, but better)
Which person perspective would I write? Well i guess it would depend on the type of book I wrote. In all cases though I believe it would be easiest to write in the third person as it would allow for more flexibility to switch from third person to first and back.
Marine corps draft,
Before boot (parental issues, dep program, recruiting, etc)
Boot (the reality of what it means to be a marine is faced)
Boot weeks as chapters?
Crucible, graduation
USMC (U Signed the Mother f-in Contract) where you realize just how many lies the recruiter and everyone else along the way fed you, yet your still ok with it.
War (the last thing you thought would happen in the reserves, being activated)
Yeah that book would probably be the easiest to write. That draft took no time at all and I could think of many things to fill those chapters. Maybe I'll do that one day...maybe.
Like my Wife tells me, I can do a lot but it's a matter of what I actually do. Hey there's a thought for the next post, things I want to do.
Some thoughts on possible subjects:
Marine Corps or futuristic? (I'm thinking now because it's easier to write what you know)
RPG type story or biography type story of a gamer? (RPG type sounds more fun)
Just a story about life....(Kinda like this blog, but better)
Which person perspective would I write? Well i guess it would depend on the type of book I wrote. In all cases though I believe it would be easiest to write in the third person as it would allow for more flexibility to switch from third person to first and back.
Marine corps draft,
Before boot (parental issues, dep program, recruiting, etc)
Boot (the reality of what it means to be a marine is faced)
Boot weeks as chapters?
Crucible, graduation
USMC (U Signed the Mother f-in Contract) where you realize just how many lies the recruiter and everyone else along the way fed you, yet your still ok with it.
War (the last thing you thought would happen in the reserves, being activated)
Yeah that book would probably be the easiest to write. That draft took no time at all and I could think of many things to fill those chapters. Maybe I'll do that one day...maybe.
Like my Wife tells me, I can do a lot but it's a matter of what I actually do. Hey there's a thought for the next post, things I want to do.
The what and why's
Like a lot of people, my mind wanders.
I have so many unspoken thoughts and ideas that just go lost because I never got them out. I will use this place to let them escape, and not fizzle away to die.
Ramblings & Musings
I don't want to just put down all those unsaid things that I mutter under my breath. I want to also include all those things that I scoff and giggle and chuckle at.
This place is for me.
If I let others read it, they need to understand that though they may read something that they dislike, they must take it as a grain of salt. For these are just the things passing through my mind. My mind is a fantastic and scary place. Amazingly insightful, yet amazingly uncaring. Amazingly selfless, yet amazingly selfish. It is filled with conundrums that would drive most mad, and it does.
So take heed of the warning
I have so many unspoken thoughts and ideas that just go lost because I never got them out. I will use this place to let them escape, and not fizzle away to die.
Ramblings & Musings
I don't want to just put down all those unsaid things that I mutter under my breath. I want to also include all those things that I scoff and giggle and chuckle at.
This place is for me.
If I let others read it, they need to understand that though they may read something that they dislike, they must take it as a grain of salt. For these are just the things passing through my mind. My mind is a fantastic and scary place. Amazingly insightful, yet amazingly uncaring. Amazingly selfless, yet amazingly selfish. It is filled with conundrums that would drive most mad, and it does.
So take heed of the warning
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