Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Solar savings

Fun in the sun
Solar Panels are becoming more efficient and less expensive every day. Living in Southern California (A desert) we have ample sun supply. There are coal, gas, hydro, nuclear, wind, and solar power plants all located within Southern California. Why then are we not cashing in on the solar side of it more in So Cal?

So I was going to write this long spiel about how I think that instead of building new power plants that have harmful emissions like this one going up in Vernon, CA. http://www.vernonworks.org/proposed-new-power-plant.html that instead SCE should buy solar panels and rent/lease them out to homeowners. Then I read this story http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-9904584-54.html . They are doing basically that, but for commercial companies only at this point.

Right track
I have to say that the government, in this case, is on the right track. If they expand this program they will easily recoup any upfront expenses within 5-10 years. With a lifespan average of 20+years on the panels it's nothing but profit after that time. I'd just like to see them bring this same program down to the residential level. I can understand why they don't. People move. Plain and simple. The contracts would be between the person and SCE. If a person moved out and the new owners moved in and decided they didn't want the panels SCE would be stuck with not generating panels. It definitely would take some logistical work and many lawyers to get it right, but it can be done. Will it though? We'll just have to see now won't we...

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