Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I can stop when I want
We're all addicted to something.  Whether it is something as simple as biting our nails or as serious as drugs.  The first step in any addiction, as they say, is admitting you have a problem. The next step is really about your desire to change.  If you have no true desire to change, you never will.

Take me for example.  I play video games.  It's my "hobby" so to speak.  I don't go to bars, or play poker, or anything of that nature.  My idea of a good time is putting on my headset, sitting down at my desk with plenty of snacks and drinks for some uninterrupted play time.  It's my release from my worries.  When I have one of those days where I say, I am going to kill somebody, I can actually go home and do that.  Fortunately they can resurrect their character and move on.  I've found it to be a great help, when done within reason.  I in the past had a very difficult time coming back out of that alternate reality back to my own.  I struggled with it for some time.  Once I learned how to schedule my time better I found that I actually enjoyed cutting down my play time.  I developed other interests, equally as nerdy but other interests.  Recently I've went back to my WoW account and began playing again.  It's not the draw that it once was.  Maybe it's because I lost touch with many of the people I "hung out" with all the time (shout out to StoneMullet, I miss that sexy Australian voice!).  Now it's just something to do if I really want to pass time.  Now that I'm a little older I find my time to be more valuable and not wanting to "pass" time but to actually use it to it's fullest.  I'm not there yet.  I'm still working on it.

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